Égalité des droits et des chances

Our ogarnization is working to ensure that every child receives a good quality education, and learns the skills they will need to thrive.

The event shares the most effect way to support school young people access training in a skill, so that they can get a job which provides them with enough money to survive. The event offers solutions to break down the barriers to education by helping poor and vulnerable children to access early childhood and primary school services in an easy way. We need you to attend our event, the non-profit organizations and charity organizations to discuss us finding out the best solutions to help children.



  • 23 décembre, 2021
  • 04:00 am 06:00 am
  • 66 broklyn Street, New York


Move Solution une organisation à but non lucratif

Move Solution est une organisation à but non lucratif qui soutient les personnes du monde entier à travers les 17 objectifs du développement durable.



30, passage Dauphine 75006, Paris

Avec une équipe, des experts et bénévoles enthousiastes, nous sommes prêts à vous soutenir à tout moment.

© Copyright Move Solution 2023